Internal Woke FBI Doc Outlines "Symbols," Rhetoric That "Militia Violent Extremists" Use
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Disband the FBI
2022-08-20 09:02:43 UTC
The outlaw FBI is out of control and should be disbanded. All former FBI agents should be blacklisted from law enforcement.
If you fly the Gadsden flag, you just might be a “Militia
Violent Extremist.”

If you fly the Betsy Ross flag or use “Revolutionary War
imagery,” you just might be an MVE.

And if you talk about the Second Amendment a lot, and worry
about government raids that send American citizens to the
boneyard, well, you just might be an MVE.

Those ideas are found in the FBI’s unclassified but exclusively
internal “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide.”

The leaked document shows just how far the agency, under the
guidance of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General
Merrick Garland, is pushing the falsehood that American
patriots, whom they call “white supremacists,” “domestic violent
extremists,” and now “militia violent extremists (MVEs)” are the
main threat facing the country.

Second Amendment a Clue

Leaked to Project Veritas, the internal FBI document explains
that the symbols, imagery, and language of MVEs involve several
common themes “found on propaganda, online platforms, memes,
merchandise, group logos, flags, tattoos, uniforms, etc.”
According to The Epoch Times:

Widespread use of symbols and quotes from American history,
especially the Revolutionary War, exists within MVE networks….
Historic and contemporary military themes are common for MVE

The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not
independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or
affiliation, or serve as an indicator of illegal activity, as
many individuals use these symbols for their original historic
meaning or other non-violent purposes.

Despite the disclaimer above that not everyone who flies a Betsy
Ross flag is an MVE, the message is clear. Traditional patriotic
and other symbols, particularly those that call to mind the War
for Independence, could mean trouble.

Among the modern symbols so-called MVEs use are those of the
Boogaloo movement, anarcho-capitalism, the Punisher skull, and
the Second Amendment.

Of the right outlined in the Constitution that the Framers
thought so important they placed it second only to the rights of
free speech and to practice one’s religion, the FBI concluded
this: “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment,
due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the
right to bear arms.”

After symbols, the document says, agents should watch out for
famous historical quotes:

• When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty, and

• The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with
the blood of patriots and tyrants; and

• Well-regulated American militia

The document also includes a list of deceased Americans whom
“MVEs consider … to be martyrs.”

Among them are Vicki Weaver, killed by an FBI agent during the
raid on her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and Ashli Babbitt, the
Trump supporter and Air Force Veteran whom Capitol Hill cop
Michael Byrd shot to death unnecessarily during the mostly
peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The document also lists events that MVEs discuss, such as the
raid on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993.

“White Supremacy” Terror Threat

Whether the FBI has published similar internal guidance on
Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both of which rampaged through
American cities after the overdose death of George Floyd, a
martyr for anti-white leftists, we are not given to know.

We do know that the latest on “MVEs” segues naturally from
President Joe Biden’s ridiculous claim that “terrorism from
white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today
— not ISIS, not al Qaeda — white supremacists.”

That Bidenism riffed off a report from the Department of
Homeland Security in 2020, which said the same thing, right
after the leftist and communist street armies of BLM and Antifa
tried to destroy 200 American cities, left $1 billion in damage
behind them, and killed Americans along the way.

Nor does the claim take into account the number of illegal-alien
terrorists or terror-connected illegals who have slipped past
border agents.

But considering that border agents have stopped 275 illegals on
the FBI’s terror watch list from the beginning of fiscal 2022
through June, DHS might consider focusing on the possibility
that Islamic terrorists are working overtime to cross the border.

(And that doesn’t count the arrests of rapists, murderers, and
gang members.)

Maybe releasing one million illegal aliens to disappear into the
American heartland is a greater threat than white protesters who
carry the Gadsden flag.

Category Crime

2022-08-20 12:52:16 UTC
The outlaw FBI is out of control and should be disbanded. All former FBI agents should be blacklisted from law enforcement.
If you fly the Gadsden flag, you just might be a “Militia
Violent Extremist.”
If you fly the Betsy Ross flag or use “Revolutionary War
imagery,” you just might be an MVE.
And if you talk about the Second Amendment a lot, and worry
about government raids that send American citizens to the
boneyard, well, you just might be an MVE.
Those ideas are found in the FBI’s unclassified but exclusively
internal “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide.”
The leaked document shows just how far the agency, under the
guidance of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General
Merrick Garland, is pushing the falsehood that American
patriots, whom they call “white supremacists,” “domestic violent
extremists,” and now “militia violent extremists (MVEs)” are the
main threat facing the country.
Second Amendment a Clue
Leaked to Project Veritas, the internal FBI document explains
that the symbols, imagery, and language of MVEs involve several
common themes “found on propaganda, online platforms, memes,
merchandise, group logos, flags, tattoos, uniforms, etc.”
Widespread use of symbols and quotes from American history,
especially the Revolutionary War, exists within MVE networks….
Historic and contemporary military themes are common for MVE
The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not
independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or
affiliation, or serve as an indicator of illegal activity, as
many individuals use these symbols for their original historic
meaning or other non-violent purposes.
Despite the disclaimer above that not everyone who flies a Betsy
Ross flag is an MVE, the message is clear. Traditional patriotic
and other symbols, particularly those that call to mind the War
for Independence, could mean trouble.
Among the modern symbols so-called MVEs use are those of the
Boogaloo movement, anarcho-capitalism, the Punisher skull, and
the Second Amendment.
Of the right outlined in the Constitution that the Framers
thought so important they placed it second only to the rights of
free speech and to practice one’s religion, the FBI concluded
this: “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment,
due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the
right to bear arms.”
After symbols, the document says, agents should watch out for
• When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty, and
• The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with
the blood of patriots and tyrants; and
• Well-regulated American militia
The document also includes a list of deceased Americans whom
“MVEs consider … to be martyrs.”
Among them are Vicki Weaver, killed by an FBI agent during the
raid on her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and Ashli Babbitt, the
Trump supporter and Air Force Veteran whom Capitol Hill cop
Michael Byrd shot to death unnecessarily during the mostly
peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
The document also lists events that MVEs discuss, such as the
raid on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993.
“White Supremacy” Terror Threat
Whether the FBI has published similar internal guidance on
Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both of which rampaged through
American cities after the overdose death of George Floyd, a
martyr for anti-white leftists, we are not given to know.
We do know that the latest on “MVEs” segues naturally from
President Joe Biden’s ridiculous claim that “terrorism from
white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today
— not ISIS, not al Qaeda — white supremacists.”
That Bidenism riffed off a report from the Department of
Homeland Security in 2020, which said the same thing, right
after the leftist and communist street armies of BLM and Antifa
tried to destroy 200 American cities, left $1 billion in damage
behind them, and killed Americans along the way.
Nor does the claim take into account the number of illegal-alien
terrorists or terror-connected illegals who have slipped past
border agents.
But considering that border agents have stopped 275 illegals on
the FBI’s terror watch list from the beginning of fiscal 2022
through June, DHS might consider focusing on the possibility
that Islamic terrorists are working overtime to cross the border.
(And that doesn’t count the arrests of rapists, murderers, and
gang members.)
Maybe releasing one million illegal aliens to disappear into the
American heartland is a greater threat than white protesters who
carry the Gadsden flag.
Category Crime
This is the same FBI that killed Men Women and children in Waco and then
lied to get FISA WARRANTS for TRUMP's associates?

Seems to me that the FBI doesn't have much room to point fingers at
people for terrorism and violating the Constitution.

Now that the FBI is the problem and NOT the solution, maybe the FBI
should be eliminated and we can start fresh without any of the old staff
of murderers and liars.
-That's karma-

The result is DEMOCRATS lies about history and reality to themselves and
others means their attempts to figure-out what's wrong is an exercise in
futility, because what they think they know they really don't know, and
fixing problems without the truth... becomes a fools errand.
Disband the FBI
2023-09-26 23:34:16 UTC
The outlaw FBI is out of control and should be disbanded. All former FBI agents should be blacklisted from law enforcement.
If you fly the Gadsden flag, you just might be a “Militia
Violent Extremist.”

If you fly the Betsy Ross flag or use “Revolutionary War
imagery,” you just might be an MVE.

And if you talk about the Second Amendment a lot, and worry
about government raids that send American citizens to the
boneyard, well, you just might be an MVE.

Those ideas are found in the FBI’s unclassified but exclusively
internal “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide.”

The leaked document shows just how far the agency, under the
guidance of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General
Merrick Garland, is pushing the falsehood that American
patriots, whom they call “white supremacists,” “domestic violent
extremists,” and now “militia violent extremists (MVEs)” are the
main threat facing the country.

Second Amendment a Clue

Leaked to Project Veritas, the internal FBI document explains
that the symbols, imagery, and language of MVEs involve several
common themes “found on propaganda, online platforms, memes,
merchandise, group logos, flags, tattoos, uniforms, etc.”
According to The Epoch Times:

Widespread use of symbols and quotes from American history,
especially the Revolutionary War, exists within MVE networks….
Historic and contemporary military themes are common for MVE

The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not
independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or
affiliation, or serve as an indicator of illegal activity, as
many individuals use these symbols for their original historic
meaning or other non-violent purposes.

Despite the disclaimer above that not everyone who flies a Betsy
Ross flag is an MVE, the message is clear. Traditional patriotic
and other symbols, particularly those that call to mind the War
for Independence, could mean trouble.

Among the modern symbols so-called MVEs use are those of the
Boogaloo movement, anarcho-capitalism, the Punisher skull, and
the Second Amendment.

Of the right outlined in the Constitution that the Framers
thought so important they placed it second only to the rights of
free speech and to practice one’s religion, the FBI concluded
this: “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment,
due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the
right to bear arms.”

After symbols, the document says, agents should watch out for
famous historical quotes:

• When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty, and

• The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with
the blood of patriots and tyrants; and

• Well-regulated American militia

The document also includes a list of deceased Americans whom
“MVEs consider … to be martyrs.”

Among them are Vicki Weaver, killed by an FBI agent during the
raid on her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and Ashli Babbitt, the
Trump supporter and Air Force Veteran whom Capitol Hill cop
Michael Byrd shot to death unnecessarily during the mostly
peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The document also lists events that MVEs discuss, such as the
raid on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993.

“White Supremacy” Terror Threat

Whether the FBI has published similar internal guidance on
Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both of which rampaged through
American cities after the overdose death of George Floyd, a
martyr for anti-white leftists, we are not given to know.

We do know that the latest on “MVEs” segues naturally from
President Joe Biden’s ridiculous claim that “terrorism from
white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today
— not ISIS, not al Qaeda — white supremacists.”

That Bidenism riffed off a report from the Department of
Homeland Security in 2020, which said the same thing, right
after the leftist and communist street armies of BLM and Antifa
tried to destroy 200 American cities, left $1 billion in damage
behind them, and killed Americans along the way.

Nor does the claim take into account the number of illegal-alien
terrorists or terror-connected illegals who have slipped past
border agents.

But considering that border agents have stopped 275 illegals on
the FBI’s terror watch list from the beginning of fiscal 2022
through June, DHS might consider focusing on the possibility
that Islamic terrorists are working overtime to cross the border.

(And that doesn’t count the arrests of rapists, murderers, and
gang members.)

Maybe releasing one million illegal aliens to disappear into the
American heartland is a greater threat than white protesters who
carry the Gadsden flag.

Category Crime

Mr. B1ack
2023-09-26 23:50:45 UTC
The outlaw FBI is out of control and should be disbanded. All former FBI agents should be blacklisted from law enforcement.
If you fly the Gadsden flag, you just might be a “Militia
Violent Extremist.”
If you fly the Betsy Ross flag or use “Revolutionary War
imagery,” you just might be an MVE.
And if you talk about the Second Amendment a lot, and worry
about government raids that send American citizens to the
boneyard, well, you just might be an MVE.
Those ideas are found in the FBI’s unclassified but exclusively
internal “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide.”
The leaked document shows just how far the agency, under the
guidance of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General
Merrick Garland, is pushing the falsehood that American
patriots, whom they call “white supremacists,” “domestic violent
extremists,” and now “militia violent extremists (MVEs)” are the
main threat facing the country.
It's a fact, not a falsehood. We saw that on Jan 06 '21.
